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1956 Wood County School Name Index (F)

This is a list of names starting with "F" for the 1956 School List Names Index. The page number refers to the page number of the school history available at the library.

See the 1956 Wood County School List page for more information as well as a complete listing of the schools.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | X-Z

Surname First Name Page
Faber Minnie 328,478
Fahl Aug 30,31
Fahrner Evelyn 496
Fait Duane 924
Fait Ed 568,587
Fait Elaine 943
Fait Raymond 943
Fait Richard 943
Fait Robert 943
Fait Ronald 943
Fait S 957
Fait Stephan 588
Fait Sylvester 944
Falefson Vera 728
Falk Edwin 948
Falls G W 168
Fanning Laura 131
Fanrich Carl 6,8
Far View School   288
Farr J W 589
Farrel Clara 577
Farrel Loretta 577
Farrell Clara 946
Farrish (Mr) 676,677
Farrish Robert 818
Fasset Joe 292
Favell (Miss) 618
Faye   73
Feaslie Julie 145
Feaster Carl 115
Feaster Patty 116
Federwitz   394
Federwitz Adeline 968
Federwitz Alvin 968
Federwitz Arnold 967
Federwitz Fred 961
Federwitz Henry 371
Federwitz Louis 528
Federwitz Myron 969
Fedrickson D W (Mrs) 638
Feenstra Vivian 680
Fehrenbach (Mrs) 774
Fehrenbach Lucia 782
Fehrman Irma 398
Feichtner J 12,13,15,16
Feichtner John E 14
Feigel Jennie 820
Feit Charles 587
Feit Helen 576
Feldt Arelen 704
Feldt David 703
Feldt Frank 245
Feldt G 239
Feldt George (Mrs) 226
Feldt George 493
Feldt Jane 224
Felhafer   490
Felio Emma 669
Felio Levi 669
Fenke Fred (Mrs) 636
Fenske   617,648
Fenske Chas (Mrs) 650
Fenske Grace 187
Fenske Marvin (Mrs) 951
Fenson Jacob 249
Fenstra Teddy 680
Feorsbrack   686
Ferdon Charlotte 266
Ferdon O M 797
Fergeson S 744
Fergusen Esther 497
Ferguson Annie 478
Ferguson Esther 635,638,639
Ferk Kathleen 703
Ferk Wm 757
Ferkey Patricia 125
Ferrins Fred 991,993
Feutz Lynn R 115
Feutz Marianne 115
Feutz Ronald 116
Feutz Ruth 351
Fiecheter Mary 686
Fiechter John 952
Field's Cheese Factory   185
Fields Alfred 896
Fields Wilbur 51
Fiester (Mrs) 67
Fileottreau Charles 823
Filut Alene 901
Filut Jean 901
Fin Robert 262
Fine Allan 845
Fine Donna 845
Fink Fred 87
Finley   127,503
Finley Anna 127,128
Finup August 905
Finup Delbert 58
Finup Emery 58
Finup Gordon 344,345
Finup Marilyn 115
Finup Randall 339
Fisa Albert 247
Fisa Ralph 247
Fischer Diane 444
Fischer Donald 149
Fischer Edgar 456
Fischer Generiene 449
Fischer James 351
Fischer Roy 456
Fisher   473
Fisher (Mr) 67
Fisher August 471,473
Fisher Carl (Rev) 421
Fisher Clara 685,686
Fisher Ernest (Mrs) 470
Fisher Gary 470
Fisher Janice 470
Fitch H E 991,993
Fitch Joe 154,156
Fitch W H (Mrs) 153
Fitzgerald Barbara 822
Flanagan Patrick 932
Flanigan John (Mrs) 926
Flasch Kilian (Bishop) 377
Flaske Edith 497
Fleischman Joseph I 294
Fleishman Alice 93
Fleisner Frank 280
Fleisner Gregor 279
Fleisnew Frank 280
Fleming Ruby 670
Fletcher Charles 822
Fletcher Lenora 671,672
Flewellen Leroy 182
Flick Albert 413
Flor (Mr) 577
Florence Albert 956
Florence M 956
Fluegel Janet 50
Fluegel John 50
Flugren Jennie 999
Foard Edna 820
Fogel Charlie 365
Fogel Henry 365
Fogel Johnny 365
Foley Kathleen 2,18
Foley Linnea 2,19
Foley Tim 154,156
Foley Timothy 2,19
Follen Gerald 511,518
Follen Harry 518
Follen Janice 874
Follen Jon 511
Follen Maynard 1000,1001
Follen Philip 511
Follman Vincent 720
Folyer Gene 834
Folyer Gerry 834
Folyer Jennie 834
Fondek Julius 745
Foote Frank 494
Forbes H 720
Forbes Henry 713
Forbes Lulu 714
Forbes Pearl 161,715
Forbes R 721
Ford   913
Forest Frank 882
Forest Jerry 882
Fors Ruth 669
Forst Mait 572
Forster Frederick (Rev) 379
Fowler L O 142
Fox Charles 661,825
Fox D 648
Fox Floyd (Mrs) 924
Fox Gordon 667
Fox Ronald 667
Fox Wallace 667
Fraiz Amanda 728
Frakes Norman 71
Fraling Emil 379
Fraling Theodore (Father) 589
Frank A 744
Frankwick   394
Frankwick Audroy 384
Frankwick Jeffrey 361,386
Frear Ann Swan 167
Freck Nora 259
Frederick Hattie 479
Frederick M 102
Frederickson Aug 999
Fredlund Charles 631
Fredrich A 995
Fredrick Ada 80,81,82
Fredrick C F 97
Fredrick Hattie 81,82,83,92
Fredrickson August 1001
Fredrickson Micky 125
Freebeck Laura 259,948
Freeberg Donald 438
Freeberg Ed 438
Freeberg Eddie 438
Freeck Nora 948
Freedlund Chester 51
Freedlund Dale 50
Freedlund Fae 50
Freedlund Philip 50
Frenzel Danny 89
Frenzel Florine 89
Frenzel Jean 90
Frey Sharon 936
Frey Vera 936
Friday Henry 988
Friday Jean 988
Frisch Joe 677
Frischman Lawrence 264
Frita Fred 792,797,806,807
Fritsche Leona 440
Fritz (Mrs) 140
Fritz Fred 979,980
Fritz Jeane 228
Fritz Jeanne 146,176
Fritz Mayme 227
Frodel Anne 549
Frodl John 542
Frodl Leo 549,680
Frodl Leopold 555
Frodl Raymond 556
Froehlich Teresa 282
Frolik Emil 568
Frondek Julius 743
Frost Carol 936
Frost Connie 789
Frost Darrell 936
Frost Dennis 936
Frost Duane 936
Frost Elaine 978
Frost Irene 789
Frost Kathleen 789
Frost Marjorie 978
Frost Patsy 978
Frost Raleigh 978
Fuehrer Mark 568
Fuller Arthur 703
Fuller Genevieve 686
Fuller Linda 703
Fulton Kate 557,573
Funk Elizabeth 232
Furguson Ester 656
Furley Emma 686
Furo Donald 879
Furo Mae 590
Fursfenburg Evelyn 92

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