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1956 Wood County School Name Index (M)

This is a list of names starting with "M" for the 1956 School List Names Index. The page number refers to the page number of the school history available at the library.

See the 1956 Wood County School List page for more information as well as a complete listing of the schools.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | X-Z

Surname First Name Page
Mac Wythey (Mr) 880
Mac Wythey Abe 882
MacChurcher Mary 618
MacDermitt (Miss) 593,594
MacDermitt Lillan 599
MacDonald   127,503
MacDonald Ambrose (Father) 589
MacDonald John (Father) 589
MacDonald Nancy 128
Macha Allen 592
Macha Earl 592,599
Macha F E 919
Machelke Irma 576
Machtan Laverne (Mrs) 828
Maciejewski   489
Maciejewski Tom 477
Macnamee Thomas 314
Madden Mary 163
Madison John Peter 506
Madison M/M 109
Madntyre Louise 449
Madsen   127,503
Madson Carl 686
Maedae   489
Maeder Douglas 116
Magee Robert 988
Mahar   673
Mahoney Ed 713,720
Mahoney Lottie 129
Maier Theodore 115
Majeska Daniel 116
Majeska Diane 116
Makee (Mr) 678
Malapske Anne 411
Malapske Ella 411
Malapske Frankie 411
Malcolm Janice 71
Malik Frank 568,569,580,581,585
Malik J N (Mrs) 566,569,571
Malik Joe 568
Malik Joseph N 582
Mallory Judith 50
Mallory Rochelle 50
Maloney Ruth 874
Malson H 648
Maluge Ruth 93
Manbon Lillian 435
Mancl Anton 568
Mancl Arnold 567
Mancl Eugene 566
Mancl F (Mrs) 568
Mancl Frank 568
Mancl Joe (Mrs) 585
Mancl Joe 568,580,581
Mancl Joseph 566,569,571
Mangold Frank 458
Manlick Ray 905,906
Manlick Raymond 728
Mann Dennis 682
Mann James 682
Mann Marilyn 501
Mann Sharon 501
Mann Val 682
Manske Amelia Schroedel 927
Manske Genevieve 131,987
Manthei (Mr) 513
Mantowitz Katie 365
Maple Grove School   491
Marceil Glenn 592
Marceil Lucy 592
Marco David 592
Marcouex Albert 713,718
Marcouex Clarence 714
Marcouex John 714
Marcouex Mose 714
Marcouex Nelson 713
Marcoux A L 720
Marcoux Clarence 721
Marcoux John 721
Marcoux Laurinda 576
Marcoux Nels 720
Margeson Mary 820
Markee Eulatea 728
Markee Marian 267
Marks Elaine 2,20
Marks Janet 2,19
Marr Andrew 133
Marray M J 993
Marray R J 991
Marsch L 102
Marschner Ronilda 398
Marsh David 771
Marsh John J 524
Marshall Edith 946
Marshchner Doris 729
Marshchuer Mabel 729
Marta Michael 116
Martel C 762
Martel Leo 765
Martel Lewis 765
Martens R 32
Marth   32
Marth F 995
Marth Frank 31
Marth J 32
Marth Larry 35
Marth Louis 30,31
Marti   648
Marti Jake 41
Marti Marilyn 48
Martin Bruce 2,19
Martin Bryan 2,21
Martin Ecteth 716
Martin George 933
Martin John 848
Martin L 797
Martin Leah 2,20
Martin Louis (Mrs) 473
Martin M M 576
Martin Maggie 573
Martin W Mark 13
Martin William 483,1001
Martins M (Miss) 573
Martinson   995
Martinson John 714,721
Martinson Olga 129
Marx Edwin 8
Marx Emil 848
Marx Herbert 8
Marx Otto 848
Marzofka Charley 411
Marzofka Emma 411
Marzofka Kathryn 822
Marzofka Minnie 411
Marzofka Otto 411
Maslowski Viola 397
Mathew Mike 817
Mathews Anna 62
Mathews Christian 474
Mathews Eddie 458
Mathews Frank 475
Mathews Mary 762
Mathie Louise 575
Mathies Frederick 969
Matson Camilla 293
Matson John 289,290,293
Matson Lyle Jr 289
Mattheis Chris 2,19
Mattheis Henry (M/M) 23
Mattheis Henry (Mrs) 2
Mattheis Henry 8
Mattheis Tamara 2,20
Matthews   127,503
Matthews Belle 448
Matthews Christian 855
Matthews Edwin L 406
Matthews Franklin 128
Matthews George R 1002
Matthews Grace 66
Matthews Julius 471,697
Matthews Les 346
Matthews M F 133
Matthews Mary 698,701
Matthews Nora 448
Mattson Magnus (Mrs) 954
Mattson Ronald 87
Matyooitz J J 571
Maveus Fred 345
Maxim Vina 398
Maxwell John 85,86,664,707
Maxwell Margaret 85
May Herman 849
McAllister Gene 58
McAllister Julie Ann 58
McAllister Lee Ann 58
McAllister Linda 58
McAllister Marla 58
McAnulty Jerry 760
McAnulty Kathleen 760
McCabe Grace 479
McCallin Fannie 573
McCally Jane 576
McCamley Peter (Mrs) 698,925
McCarly Ella 715
McCarthy 127,503
McCarthy Jane 162
McCarthy Katie 820
McCarthy Laura 638
McCarthy Lizzie 686
McCarthy Nettie 820,848
McCarty (Miss) 618
McCarty Ella 716
McChesney John C 498
McConnel John (Mrs) 745
McConnel Lillian 745
McConnell Alice 227
McConnell Amy 459
McConnell Edith 176,251
McConnell V M (Mrs) 459
McCormick Chas 32
McCoy Marion 144
McCoy Verne 710
McCrillis Charles 494
McCrossen Beverly 501
McCrossen Gilbert 501
McCrossen James 501
McCrossen John 501
McCrossen Nancy 501
McDermid Lillian 605
McDermitt (Mrs) 598
McDonald (Mr) 817
McDonald   489
McDonald Audrey 978
McDonald Jack 704
McDonald M 133
McDonald Michael 32
McDonald Patsy 477
McDonald William 133
McFarland Colleen 492
McFarlyn Mabel 669
McGargle F J 31
McGillis Gladys 83
McGinly Kathryn 682
McGinly Richard 682
McGinly Robert 682
McGinly William 682
McGinnis   401
McGivern Ben 568
McGlynn Kathlyn 948
McGovern Margaret 163
McGrath Ella 947
McGraw Dale 592
McGraw Jack 592
McGraw Judy 592
McGrillis Denzel 82,83
McGrillis Harold 82,83
McGrillis Roland 82,83
McGuigan Peter 523
McGuire Edith 715
McGuire Ella 715
McGuire Ellen 366
McGuire Isabelle 162
McHugh Nora 266
McKane Mabel 716
McKee C 335,981
McKee Clarence 705
McKee D M 336
McKee Maureen 704
McKee Michael 703
McKee Robert 981
McKeown Celia 638,496
McKeown Kate 638
McKerchar Donald 945
McKercher (Mr) 949
McKercher Alex 401
McKrcher B M 431
McKercher Dan 473
McKercher Donald 401
McKercher Duncan 431
McKercher Kate 62,926
McKercher Mary 820
McKercher Peter 401
McKinley School   500
McLaughlen Mary 820
McMahon Anne 47
McNamara John (Father) 588,589
McName   111
McNicel Colin 929
McPhail Neil 401
McQuire Ela 366
McQuire Ella 448
McRaith William F 62
McShane Anna Louise 506
McShane Ella 448
McTaoish John 448
McTavish Alex 401
McTavish Alexander 951
McTavish B 944
McTavish Bernard 951,953
McTavish Bernerd 400
McTavish Duncan 401,944,951
McTavish J 957
McTavish John 401,945,950
McTavish Kate Rennie 951
McTavish Nettie 449
McVicar Dea 932
Mead Tibby 859
Meade Dorothy 970
Meade T H 715
Meadow Brook School   510
Meany Gladys 47
Mear Ray 828
Mechelke Irma 573
Mechler Helen 292
Meddaugh James 125
Meddaugh Jeanette 125
Meddaugh Jerry 125
Meddaugh Joann 125
Meddaugh Joyce 126
Meddaugh Judith 125
Meehan James 540
Mehlbrech Dale 116
Mehlbrech Dave 116
Mehlbrech Ruth 115
Meidl   394
Meier Goetry'S 28
Meihak W C (Mrs) 448
Meijland Bertha 478
Meils Gary 116
Meis   239
Meisner Emma 143
Meissner C S 956
Melke O 539
Mengeling Myrtle 232
Mercer Andrew 944
Mercer James 950
Merk Donald 148
Merk Robert 143
Merrick Alice 187,698,904,927
Merrick William 904
Merrill Ellis 458
Merrill Frank 717
Merrill H E 573
Merring Nellie 716
Merritt Andrew C 824
Merschner Ronilda 829
Merten Walter 85,86
Mertens Walter 84
Messener Peter 835
Messer Barbara 90
Messing A 792
Messing Dan 261
Messing George 792,979,980
Methodist Episcopal
Metzger Pamela 116
Metzger Wm 115
Metzker Inez 946
Mevequa   838
Mewing Herman 803
Mews Diana 978
Mews Elsie 227
Mews Harvey 978
Mews Leslie 978
Mews Walter 516
Mews Yvonne 978
Meyer   394
Meyer Carrie 1002
Meyer Charles 974
Meyer Fred 792,980
Meyer George 882
Meyer Otto 458
Meyers Fred 807,979,981,982
Meyers George 967
Meyers Henry 967
Meyers Herbert 967
Meyers Karen 695
Meyers Luella 966
Meyers Rose 966
Meyers Ted 982
Michaels E H (Miss) 595
Michaelson Herman 999
Michels (Mr) 782
Michels Elnora 328
Mickelson N 956
Mielk Oscar 543
Mielke   489
Mielke Carl 537,543
Mielke Karen 537
Mielke Norman 556
Mielke Oscar 547
Mike Clarice 140
Mike Ernistine 140
Mike Judy 140,149
Mike Owen 140,149
Mike Thomas 174
Milander John 765
Milka Wm 560
Mill Creek Grove School 44,524
Mill Creek School #2   520
Mill Creek School #6   548
Mill Creek School   536
Milladore Graded School   565
Millbrent (Mr) 183
Miller   721
Miller Adolph (Father) 588
Miller Alex 75
Miller Anthony 116
Miller Augusta 575
Miller B 539
Miller Bill 547,555
Miller Connie 116
Miller David 845
Miller Donna 65,67,69
Miller Dora 366,448,686,848
Miller Elsie 549
Miller Emil 541
Miller Emile 549
Miller Emma 715
Miller Ernest 541
Miller Eva 479
Miller Fern 698
Miller G 717
Miller Henry 549
Miller Hobart 549
Miller Ida M 327
Miller J (Father) 588
Miller Jayne 845
Miller John H 480
Miller Julius 54
Miller Lena 549
Miller Libbie 478,448,457,459
Miller Lillian 479,717
Miller Lily 187
Miller Lucille 639,496
Miller Lyle 845
Miller Mary 848
Miller Michael 115
Miller Minnie 848
Miller Peter 106
Miller Steve 335
Miller Wanda 65
Miller William 541
Milleville Edgar (Rev) 421
Mills J H 259
Milo B 744
Miltimore (Mrs) 693
Miltimore Bruce 345
Miltmore Verva 686
Minch Grace 567
Minehart George 960,970
Minehart Rita 970
Miner Alice 92,962
Miner Floy 638
Miner Sandy 117
Minor C 110
Minor Frank 106,110,112,979
Minor G 110
Minor Gail 978
Minor George 111,979
Minor Nichalos 978
Minor Wallace 981,983
Mintner E D 96
Minton Dorothy 145
Miranda Charles 141
Mittelstaedt Robert 961
Mittelsteadt   976
Mittlesteadt Charlotte 686,688
Mittlesteadt Doris 969
Moarhus Henry 713
Moberg E 465
Moberg Peter 471,765
Mocha Kenneth 936
Model School   591
Moe Hazel 54
Moeling Carol 86
Moeller Kent 50
Moeller Marla 50
Moen   101
Moen Dennis 79,88,89,90,91
Moen Gerald 87,88
Moen J 102
Moen James 663
Moen Janice 663
Moen Jerold 88
Moen Mary 663
Moen Richard 87,88,89,90
Moerchen Francis 262
Moersfelder Edward 521
Moffatt (Dr) 41
Molepski John 414
Moll   671
Moll Dorothy 671
Moll Gilbert (Mrs) 119
Moll Ida 669,672,674
Moll Irvin 668,670
Moll Lula 669
Moll Marlene 115
Moll Mary 116
Mollet Peter 513
Molski Gwen 369
Monegan Bill 915
Monette Gertie 133
Monette Ray 133
Monette Susan 125
Mongan Lillian Berard 927
Monk Geo C 32,991,993
Monroe John 967
Monroe Kathryn 967
Monroe Wayne 149
Moon Gene 65
Moon Hanna 230
Moon Joe 65
Moore   346
Moore Florence 409
Moore Henry 792
Moore James 797
Moore Robert 261
Moore Tom 913
Moorhouse Mose 720
Moorhus Henry 720
Moorhus Minnie 32,720
Mooth Wm 720
Moquin Barbara 71
Morgan Lumber Co   160
Morgan Enoch 408
Morgan Henry 406
Morris 132 0
Morris Robert 63,280,330,549,595,
Morrison C I 96,97
Morrison Edward 801
Morrison Frank 92,96
Morrison Helen 262
Morrison Jerry 116
Morrison Judy 438
Morrison Mary 116
Morrison Ruby 328,820
Morrison Terry 115
Morrison William 417
Mortensen Lucille 351
Mortimer Nancy 890
Mortimer Sandra 890
Mortinson Olga 868,874
Morzinski James 115
Morzinski Mary 116
Mosciciki John 461
Moscicki Sam 461,467
Mosher Belle 926
Mosher Sally 247
Moss Allen 136
Moti Bertha 776
Moulton George 617
Mounoe   489
Mours Johnnie 411
Mours Josie 412
Mours Mary 411
Mours Rosie 412
Mrawitz Frances 32
Mroz Matt 699
Muehlbauer George 279
Mueller Amelia 41
Mueller Bette Jean 680
Mueller C & P 648
Mueller Clara 328,398
Mueller Emil 199,840
Mueller W & L 648
Mueller Wayne 680
Mueschke Harold (Mrs) 695,699
Muhlstein Anna 874
Muinier Frank 4
Muir Robert 401
Muller   101
Muller F T 650
Mulroy Loretta 574
Multerer Chester 435
Multerer Doreen 435,436
Mundt Emil 744
Mundt G 744
Mundt Lena 758
Murawski (Brothers) 690
Murgatroyd John 930
Murgatroyds   927
Murleoy (Mrs) 717
Murowski David 760
Murphy Wm 367
Murray Grace F 573
Murray L A 870
Musback (Professor) 975
Myers C E (Dr) 572
Myers Herb 262
Myland Bertha 527

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