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1956 Wood County School Name Index (G)

This is a list of names starting with "G" for the 1956 School List Names Index. The page number refers to the page number of the school history available at the library.

See the 1956 Wood County School List page for more information as well as a complete listing of the schools.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | X-Z

Surname First Name Page
Gabelein (Mrs) 201
Gabelien Joe 197
Gabers   619
Gachnang   614
Gachnang Ed 618,619,625
Gachnang Ken 619,625
Gadge   986
Gadson   92
Gadson John (Mrs) 835
Gaeir Christine 966
Gaeir Frank 966
Gaeir Justine 966
Gaeir Laura 966
Gaffney Bart 75,632
Gaffney Donald 79
Gaffney Donna Mae 79,90,91
Gaffney Genevieve 820
Gaffney Joseph (Father) 589
Gaffney R 102
Gaffney Richard 398
Gage Dale 704
Gage Judith 704
Gahl   991
Galbreath Rex 116
Galbreath Shearl 116
Gallagher   127,503
Gallagher Mary 820
Gallatin Casper (Mrs) 372
Gallatin Casper 525
Gallatin Elmer 521,529
Gallatin Fred 525
Gallatin Janice 521
Gallatin Jeanne 521
Gallatin Joyce 521
Gallatin Verna 528
Gamle Johan   505
Gamma Viola 577,578
Gamroth   744
Gansch David 925
Gara J (Rev) 380
Garbisch Frankin 969
Garbisch Paul 969
Garbisch Pearl 969
Gardner C 744
Gardner Donald 416
Gardner Donnelle 416
Gardner George 186,632
Gardner Josephine 704
Gardner Karen 704
Gardner Kenneth 50,703
Gardner Robert 50,703
Gardner W 12,13,351
Gardner William 910
Garfield Donald 289
Garfield Fred 494
Garfield Gerald 289
Garfield James 289
Garner Charles 493
Garrison Frank 165
Garry Paul 494
Garvin Arnold 988
Garvin Dale 985
Garvin Ermon 2,19
Garvin Louise 988
Garvin Rita 988
Gasch Darwin 845
Gasch Janis 845
Gasch Kenneth 845
Gasch Larry 845
Gates (Mr) 279
Gates Joseph N 725
Gates Margaret 279
Gattfrey Andrew 447
Gaulke   904
Gaulke Agnes 598
Gaulke Frank 994
Gaulke G 995
Gaulke Godlieb 902
Gaulke Joan 87
Gaulke L 101
Gaulke Matila 160
Gaulke Ray 905,906
Gaulke Sharon 87
Gayeske   619
Gayeske Carl 625
Gayeske Carol 612
Gayeske Robert 612
Gaylor J K 762
Gaylord Evalena 339,340
Gaynor Brothers Cranberry
Gaynor J A 32
Gaynor James 10,162,178
Gaynor John 163,178
Gebbard Herman 967
Gebelein (Mrs) 202
Gebert Bill 568
Gebert Clarence 568,580
Gebert L 571
Gebert Lillian 568,569
Gebert S A 580
Gebhardt Ed 180
Geboline Joe 195
Gee Catherine 143
Gee Katherine 138,139
Geffney Richard 400
Gegay Eva 328
Gehre Arthur 344
Gehrke Dennis 627
Gehrke Joan 627
Gehrke Robert 629
Geibels David 822
George Don (Mrs) 214
George Don 205
George Donald 182,203
George Gretchen 182
George Larry 182
George Marion 92
Georgi William (Pastor) 372
Gepner H 956
Gepner Henry 950
Gepner Leslie 950
Gerber Marcella 144
Gereau Roger 88,89
Gerend A 554
Gerrard John (Rev) 631
Gerry George 929
Gerwin Ida 946
Gerwing Ida 328
Gesicki Frank 54
Geske George 913
Geske Walter 913
Gessert Norbert 829
Gessert Rose 85
Gessert Rosie 84
Getchal Anna 638
Getchel Mary 638
Getlinger Melda 405
Getlinger Melvin 413
Getschall Anna 874
Getschall Mayme 874
Getseinger Florence 143
Getsinger Alvina 143,172
Getsinger Ann 160
Getsinger Anton 159,172
Getsinger Carl 147,150,160
Getsinger Carol A 159
Getsinger Catherine 159,172
Getsinger Ethel 143,172
Getsinger Florence 138,139,172
Getsinger Henry 138,139,143,160,172
Getsinger John 160,172
Getsinger Joyce Ann 140
Getsinger Leonard 138,139,147,160
Getsinger Mabel 160
Getsinger Marion 671
Getsinger Mary 160
Getsinger Mathilda 160
Getsinger Victor 140,149
Getts Minnie 698
Getz (Rev) 30
Getzinger (Mr) 577
Ghiloni Veronica 682
Giddenzopf Robert 10
Giebels Gary 822
Gies   721
Gies Georgia 712,715,718
Giese Emma 329
Giese Gertrude 987
Gifford Kenneth 333
Gilbert G N 32
Gilbert Ole 291
Gilberts Ealeda 83
Gilberts Evelyn 84,85,86
Gilberts Faleda 84,85,86
Gilberts Gertrude 84,85,86
Gilberts Odin 84,85,86
Gildenzolph Marion 988
Gildenzoph   31
Gildenzoph Donna 988
Gildenzoph Gottlieb 30
Gildenzoph Jean 27
Gildenzoph Robert 31
Gill   931
Gilman   672
Gilman Ann 669,674
Gilman Anna 672
Gilman Roberta 416
Gilmore Del 109
Gilmore E A 109
Gilmore M 109
Girard & Drake   928
Girgo Hattie 967
Glast Chas 991,993
Glebke John 119
Gleue Archie (Mrs) 496
Gleue Evelyn 496
Gleue Frances 703,874
Godan Philip 471
Godfrey Andrew 944
Goehring   648
Goehring Dennis 771
Goehring Jeanne 771
Goehring Lila 259
Goehring William 635,645,656
Goetz (Mr) 775
Goetz Joe 721
Goggins   92
Goggins May 128,698
Golden Glow School   299
Goldenzoph Robert 994
Goldsworthy C R 929,932,933,934
Golen   991
Golla Clara 686
Gonering   394
Gonnering John 383
Good Cheer School   223,230,332
Good Charley 793,808
Goodman Sarah 291,448,945
Goodsell   334
Goodurlea Carl 969
Gordee Calvine 832
Gorman F 102
Gorman Floyd (Mrs) 329
Gorske   342
Goset   100
Gossett James 291,308,327,774
Gotchey Hortense 412
Gothee Andrew 793
Gotter Harvey 968
Gotter Lorene 968
Gotter Ruben 968
Gottfrey Andrew 953
Gottschalk Anna 795
Gottschalk Guy 141
Gottschalk Jon 140
Gottschalk Mamie 795
Gottschalk Robert (Mrs) 143,150
Gottschalk Robert 156
Gotz Edward 340
Gotz Joseph 713,714,718
Gotz Kay 339,340
Gotz Keith 339
Gotz L 101
Gotz Virginia 340
Gotz Walter 344
Goweley S K 793
Grace Lutheran Church   420
Grace Lily 410
Gracious   1000
Gradson Beulah 874
Graf Aug 32,913
Grafender Eugene (Mrs) 829
Graft Gladys 93
Graham Fred 629
Graham H 744
Graham Robert 387
Grall Grace 969
Gramer Paul (Mrs) 367
Grams Keith 87
Gramsch Rose 478
Grand Rapids Pulp &
Paper Co
Granfors Charles 865,876
Granger Annie 473
Granger Ella 473
Granger James 761,765
Granger Maggie 715
Granger Margaret 638
Grant Ulusseys 506
Granton Lutheran Church   51
Granza John (Mrs) 497
Graph Mildred 497
Grasse Harold 84
Grasse Harvey 84
Grassel Zita 576
Graves Robert 991,993
Graves Spencer 458
Gray Dorothy 229,266
Gray Orin 847
Gray Peter 59
Green Elm School   199
Green Grove School   338
Green Charles 289
Green Frank 289,290
Green John 697
Green Olaf 926
Green Ruby 820
Greene Alice 501
Greenman Ed 493,494,499
Greensell John 792
Greenway Cornelius 200
Greenway Dick 840
Greisenger John 585
Grere Jesse 32
Grere Sophia 32
Grethe Beulah 259
Greunke Ceylon 896
Greunke Otto 899
Greunke Richard 896,899
Grey Susan 351
Griesbach G 851
Griesbach William 847,849
Griffen Valetta 340
Griffin C 344
Griffin Clarence 345
Griffin M 345
Griffith Archie 55
Griffith Maude 141
Grill   99
Grimes Marcia 592
Grimm   648
Grimm Anna 128
Grimm Clarice 998
Grimm Dora 650
Grimm Eva 128
Grimm Henry 128
Grimm Jacob 39
Grimm Roger 635,645
Grimm William 40
Griswold   799
Griswold Arthur 789
Griswold J A 32
Griswold Mary Lou 789
Grob George E 725
Gronemeyer Gust 650
Gronermeier Gust 640,643
Grosbier Alta 365
Grosbier Joseph 365
Grosbier Katie 365
Grosbier Mades 365
Groshek August 413
Groshek Joe 413
Groskclause Alice 146
Grosklaus Alice 131,987
Gross   100
Gross Katherine 496
Grosskopf Joy 960,970
Grosskopf Judie 970
Grothe Eileen 115
Grove Graded School   350
Grover Jon 924
Grow Dorthea 398
Grub Lillian 962
Grube Henry 899
Grube Lillian 728
Grube Ruby 368,369
Gruber J 744
Gruber John 744
Gruber Mary 639,874,875
Grubofski Bertha 333
Grubofski Laura 333
Grubofski Otto 333
Grubofski Richard 333
Gruenke R H 724
Gruenwald Robert 985,987
Grundeen Ronald 116
Gruner Albert 991,993
Grunewald Bob 721
Grunewald Harold 714
Grunewald Robert 27,712,714
Grunewald William (Mrs) 719
Grunewald William 714
Grunewald Wm 721
Grunx   913
Gudger John 412
Gudger Mary Jane 409
Guenther Bernice 329
Guenther Ellen 329
Guildenzoph Emil 714,721
Guildenzoph G G 721
Guildenzoph R 32
Gulmire David 116
Gulmire Elwin 985
Gulmire Gloria 989
Gulmire L 995
Gulmire Marjorie 988
Gumm Delbert 511
Gumm Kathleen 511
Gumz Alvin 405
Gumz Eleanor 405
Gumz Ellen 405
Gumz Evelyn 405
Gumz Frank 413
Gumz Frankie 412
Gumz Freddie 411
Gumz George 405
Gumz Hannah 411
Gumz Martha 905
Gumz Minnie 411
Gunkel Anna 967
Gunkel Elsie 967
Gunther (Miss) 829
Gurtter   713
Gutenberg   127
Gutheil J (Mrs) 994
Gutheil J 31
Guthier Nick 650
Guthrie L 32

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